Thursday, December 2, 2021

Nothing But the Best (Part 2 of 3 Parts), Post #204

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Only one comment out there since the last post, and readership keeps on plunging. I’d like to think it’s my clumsiness with key words and lack of Google support and an absolute misunderstanding of, but it could well be my stories are stale. Nonetheless, I’ll go ahead and finish this one.

 Last time William (AKA Willie) recognizes he’s hankering for his bud Yancy (AKA Nothin’) more than he was a girl. After that blockbuster, he decides he’d better find out for sure. Let’s see what his plan is.

 * * * * *


Armed with my new-found revelation about myself, I figured I needed a plan to see if I’d identified my problem or if I was just whistlin’ Dixie. And what it came down to in my mind was comparisons. So I used that to figure out my plan of action.

The first thing to do was test my reasoning about girls. As I’ve already indicated, I’ve made it with a couple of them, and they’d let me know that I was welcome again… although the fact I hadn’t taken either of them up on it for six months or so might mitigate that ready availability.

Bessy Sue was my selection because she liked to titillate the guys and then—except for one or two of them—pull back when the crucial time came. She’d done that to me, backing away and then capitulating. To be honest, that was probably what landed me. Got me curious.

I caught her coming out of English class and fell into step beside her.

“Hi, what’s cooking,” was my brilliant opening gambit.

“Well, hello, handsome. Haven’t seen much of you lately.”

Aha! There was my opening. “Certainly not as much as you saw a couple of months back.”

She turned and x-rayed me from head to foot. “A couple of months? More like six.”

I’m sure I blushed. “Well, things got busy, you know. Tennis season and all.”

She smirked. “You afraid I’ll sap your strength?” Bessy Sue stopped on a dime, making me come back to her. “Maybe that’s what I oughta do and then go bet on the other guy.”

“Any time, kiddo,” I said… getting in deeper than I’d intended. But so far, our talk wasn’t producing any results.

“I’m free tonight,” she said. “But only if you take me to dinner… and I don’t mean at MacDonald’s.”

“How about Hatfield’s,” I said, naming a semi-ritzy joint not far from campus.

“Pick me up at six. You do remember my dorm, don’t you?”

She was being sarcastic, but the truth was, I didn’t remember. Nonetheless, I could find out easy enough. “Like it was yesterday,” I crooned in her ear. Pretty suave, even if I do say so myself.

The steak and lobster dinner at Hatfield’s was delicious, the time afterward with Bessy Sue, simply an endurance match. I went back to my place still trying to catch my breath. Good thing I didn’t have a match tomorrow, or she’d have bet against me for sure.


A freshman by the name of Birchfield was the next step in my social experiment. No kidding, his name was Birchfield—Birchfield Hastings—but everyone called him Birch. I’d heard vague rumors about him. Rumors weren’t quite right. Just suspicions. The way he went up at the end of a sentence when it wasn’t called for. Or his gestures. Not a limp wrist, but something close. Anyhow, he played tennis, as well, and was a fair hand at it. After a game one day, he’d tried to get friendly, but I had other things on my mind at the time and kinda brushed it off. Come to think of it, that was right around the time I was getting it on with Bessy Sue. Damn, time flies when you’re not paying attention.

Actually, I ran into Nothin’ before I saw Birch. We saw one another at the library and did some studying together before heading for the Student Union Building for a burger and fries. He was so damned handsome and… and fetching sitting opposite me talking and eating that I about trashed my program and broached the subject right then. I knew for fact he’d gotten a dozen girls on campus, but he looked so fucking innocent it about tore my heart out thinking things like I was thinking about him,

 But I’m nothing if not deliberate and disciplined, so I curtailed my urge to make a move. Nonetheless, I sure had fun sitting there reminiscing about our time as next-door neighbors, me getting hard as a rock. It was okay because the table was sheltering me at the time.


Two days later, Birch was batting the ball against a practice wall when I arrived at the courts. He accepted my challenge, and we squared off for a game of singles. His game had improved since the last time we’d played, and I had a little trouble putting him away, but I managed.

He handled my complements on his play in his usual “aw, shucks” manner. To keep something going, I gave him a few pointers on what I perceived to be weaknesses. We even went back to the practice wall with me standing behind him and correcting his backhand swing. Occasionally my groin brushed his butt. Was that too subtle? Nope. I saw from the glances he darted at me he’d noticed. Thereafter, he’d sorta thrust his butt out so the contact was a little firmer.

When a couple of others showed up to practice, I looked him squarely in his blue eyes and asked a one-word question.


He didn’t even blink. “My room. My roommate’s gone for the weekend.”

It was that easy. I barely got the door closed behind us before he turned and walked into me. I hadn’t known that guys kissed, but I guess they do. At any rate, we did. And that wasn’t all we did. I can’t say the world moved, but the bed… and I think his room… certainly did. That bed squeaked and squalled and beat up against the wall, lending buoyancy to our gymnastics.

When I staggered back to my dorm later, I had no trouble giving this experience a better mark than my bout with Bessy Sue. Way better! The problem was going to be to convince Birch it was a one-time thing. Well, provided it turned out that way, that is.

I was prepared to measure things now, but landing Nothin’ wasn’t going to be as easy as simply crooking my finger. My two yardsticks thus far and been willing… no, eager participants. Yancy Charles Yates might have to be convinced. And I had no idea how to do that.

* * * *

So far Willie’s (maybe I should say William's since he hates that nickname) accomplished part one and part two of his plan, but the harder one is yet to come. How will Nothin’ react to an approach? Can Willie figure out an approach? If so, will he have the nerve to go through with it? We’ll see next time.

 Please friend this site. Apparently, that matters in the internet world.

 As indicated on the last post, Charlie Blackbear has been published as an ebook by JMS Books.

 My contact information is provided below in case anyone wants to drop me a line:

Website and blog:



Twitter: @markwildyr

Now my mantra: Keep on reading. Keep on writing. You have something to say, so say it!

See you later.



 New posts the first and third Thursday of the month at 6:00 a.m., US Mountain time.

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