Thursday, November 18, 2021

Nothing But the Best (Part 1 of 3 Parts), Post #203

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 Hope you enjoyed Joseph and Jose’s little story. Got a few comments, but readership’s still falling off. I’ve gotta figure out that followit situation.


Here’s our next little story. Hope you enjoy it.


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How did Yancy Charles Yates earn the sobriquet of “Nothin’?” That takes some ’splaining, as my next-door neighbor used to say. Yancy wasn’t born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, but somewhere in our early years he acquired one. Except that it was gold… or possibly platinum. But that wasn’t enough. He was a cute kid, a fetching youngster, and a drop-dead handsome youth. Want some more? He wasn’t spoiled rotten. No, he was faultlessly polite and thoughtful to everybody. More? Awesome jock and genuine brain. He sent sports records and grade levels soaring so high they likely wouldn’t be broken for years.

The guy had nothing but the best. Sooo… everyone started calling him that. He’d show up, and everybody’d yell, “Nothing but the Best’s here.” Well, you know us kids. That soon became “Nothing But,” and deteriorated from there to simply “Nothin’. The campus joke was that whenever Yancy showed up, somebody’d ask, “What’s up, Nothin’?”

He’d always reply, “Nothin’.”

I always thought there was more than one way to interpret that.

Now that’s outta the way, I gotta tell you a little about me. William’s the name, but guess what that morphed into? You got it, “Willie.” Hate it, absolutely hate it, but your contemporaries don’t ask you what you want to be called, they just dub you this or that… or Willie. My family’s well off, but not in the Yates’ league. I made the honor roll but didn’t set records. I do okay on the soccer field and tennis court, but I sure can’t claim hero status the way Nothin’ does on the basketball court or gridiron.

But there’s one thing where he really leaves me in the dust. The girls I can claim to conquer. Oh, I get my share of dates. Never go stag unless it’s by choice. The problem is, I can’t hang onto them. I just don’t get serious about one. For a couple of years, some pretty dishy gals worked on landing the elusive Willie Walls, but after a while they gave up. Now my dates are just casual. They’re not the problem. I am. To tell the truth, if I wasn’t expected to show up with a date, I wouldn’t. For a long time, I couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Then one day, it hit me. I’d rather be with Nothin’ than with any of them. We used to be buddies. Lived on the same block for years until my folks moved into a big house, and his moved into an even bigger one. Strayed a little since then, but I still considered him a bud and assumed he did too.

Even after I arrived at the conclusion I preferred his company, I didn’t figure it out. Not right away. You know, a guy can be smart as a whip about facts and figures but dumber’n crap about himself. And I was so dumb, I couldn’t even use the euphemism, I wasn’t dumber’n crap. I was dumber’n shit.

I didn’t really face up to it until one day one of the in-girls sashayed by and somebody in our group dropped his voice and said, “Man, wouldn’t you like to see her in flagrante?”

“That means in the act, dumbass,” I said. “I think you mean au naturel. Without clothes.”

“Yeah, that's what I mean. Nothing at all!”

I clearly remember my reaction… unstated, thank God. Naw, I’d rather see Nothin’. I was struck dumb, and I think the guys figured I’d had a stroke or something. In a way, I had. I was stroked right in the head by a bolt of lightning. Where did that come from? I’d seen Nothin’ in the all-together lots of times. But that was in the gym lockers or pool dressing rooms with other guys flipping towels and making jokes. It was all so impersonal. But that’s not what I was talking about inside my head. I was talking to me about intimacy. Intimacy with Yancy Charles Yates, aka Nothin’. Lord have mercy! In that moment, it all fell into place. I was hankering for Nothin’!

Now that I had discovered my problem, what was I going to do about it? Probably nothing—nothing with a small N.

But was that practical? It explained so much about me to me. Like why when some of us guy sat around talking smut, I’d get so worked up I sometimes had to hide my condition. Why I wasn’t getting anywhere with girls. While I wasn’t a virgin, I wasn’t a cocksman. I mean, it was all right when I got it off, but the earth sure as hell didn’t move like some guys talk about. Take it or leave it. How many guys feel that way?

That was when the second bolt of lightning hit. If I wasn’t interested in girls and was interested in Nothin’, did that mean I might be interested in other guys? Was I… well, you know? Oh crap!

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Did the revelation arrive like this for any of you? I’d be interested in hearing what you have to say about it.

 Please friend this site. Apparently, that matters in the internet world.

As indicated on the last post, Charlie Blackbear has been published as an ebook by JMS Books. Likewise, print books for Wastelakapi and Cut Hand are now available.

 My contact information is provided below in case anyone wants to drop me a line:

Website and blog:



Twitter: @markwildyr

Now my mantra: Keep on reading. Keep on writing. You have something to say, so say it!

See you later.



 New posts the first and third Thursday of the month at 6:00 a.m., US Mountain time.


  1. Dear Avid Reader. Thanks for your comment. I'm anxious to see it, as well. Sometimes I think I write these things in my sleep and am surprised when I read them anew. Appreciate your being a reader.
