Thursday, May 16, 2019

Lodestar (A Story in Three Parts), Post #84

Courtesy of Brillo
So Jim was not abandoned as he had begun to fear. Lokai returned to his side. Now what? Will the handsome Indian fulfill his big promise, and if he does, how will he react afterward. Read on.


(Part Three)

Our preparations were almost surreal. We ate. We bathed. Lodai braided his hair while I scraped the sparse bristle from my face. I watched him, not quite able to believe what was going to happen. One thing I knew; he would not fumble around like John and me. This man would be firm in his love-making.
At sundown, Lodai laid a modest fire and spread his blankets. “It is time,” he said, loosening his breechclout. I experienced paralysis for a moment before recovering the use of my limbs. Then we stood naked and examined one another frankly in the twilight.
“You are a handsome man. I am proud that you want me,” Lodai said quietly. The words sounded true.
Strong arms closed about me. His lips touched my face, but I felt them in my stones. Burning with excitement, I slid down his torso, tasting, licking, feeling. His skin was taut satin; his muscles, hard and unyielding.
The aggressiveness of my oral assault and the strength of his reaction seemed to take him by surprise. He lay back on the blankets and pulled me into the crook of his arm. Unwilling to spoil the afterglow, I did nothing, said nothing. His hard, lithe body warm against mine was pleasure enough.
Suddenly, he rolled atop me. “I did not expect the thing to be so powerful. It was a thing to remember,” he mused.
Lodai studied me through the darkness. Then he gave me a proper kiss. I went weak. He forced my legs apart, and I yielded to his renewed passion. Delirious with joy, mad with strange, wonderful sensations, stretched to capacity by this beautiful man, I was lost.
Almost comatose, I lay panting beside him after our fulfillment. I sensed that he was at peace with what we had done. I certainly was. Our lovemaking had surpassed anything I ever experienced, making me fear its absence in the future.
Reluctant to break the silence, yet needing to know, I asked him the meaning of his name.
“Lodestar,” he answered easily.
“Lodestar! Polaris. The guiding star! That’s what you are,” I murmured. “My guiding star. I love you, my Lodestar.”

That was a lunation ago. Since that wonderful night, we moved to an abandoned settler’s cabin high in the hills where we will winter. Lodestar was a bold and imaginative lover. What he had not done was verbally express his feelings.
Today, he returned in a new pair of buckskin leggings. His breechcloth was freshly laundered, and he wore a short deerskin vest across his broad chest. A choker of small animal bones draped his strong neck. His hair, braided and bound by a hairbine, was adorned with two hawk feathers. He held out a vest and a leather hat, both fashioned from deer hide by his own fingers.
“These are my bridal gifts, Jim Tobar,” he intoned solemnly. “I come to take you as my winkte wife. I want you as my mate. Will you have me? For as long as we live?”
Speechless, I nodded, a happy smile breaking across my lips. He stripped off his finery and gave me the thrumming of my life. I do not believe that even he was prepared for the powerful ejaculation that came. My Lodai, my beautiful Lodestar had proclaimed his love the best way he knew how. And he did it magnificently!

All’s well that ends well, right? Jim wasn’t abandoned; Lokai kept his promise… and how! And Jim helped his companion recover from the loss of his people. What could be better?

Amazon permits you to read a short passage of my novels, Cut Hand and Johnny Two-Guns. I also believe the STARbooks-published River Otter, Echoes of the Flute, and Medicine Hair are still up. I sure would like to get the final book in the Cut Hand Series, Wastelakapi… Beloved, published, but it’ll take some help from readers to get Dreamspinner interested.

My contact information is provided below in case anyone wants to drop me a line:
Website and blog:
Twitter: @markwildyr

The following are buy links for CUT HAND:

And now my mantra: Keep on reading. Keep on writing. You have something to say, so say it!

Until next time.


New posts at 6:00 a.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month.

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